Save 12% by booking directly on
Best online price guarantee for Hotel SANA Capitol!
Take advantage of our online promotion to book your next stay with a 12% discount on accommodation at SANA Capitol.
Plan your holiday, business trip, romantic getaway or weekend with friends and book directly on the official SANA Hotels website.
This offer includes:
- Accommodation with 12% discount
- Flexible Rate
- Free Wi-Fi
- Best Price Guarantee
- Bookings made between 10/2/2025 and 31/3/2025
- Valid for stays between 10/2/2025 and 30/4/2025
- Offer is subject to availability;
- All taxes included;
- There may be days within the period under consideration when the promotion in question does not apply;
- Offer not cumulative with other promotions in force.
- The Hotel reserves the right to change and/or suspend the conditions of these offers at any time.
SANA Capitol
In addition to its proximity to the main tourist attractions in Lisbon, the SANA Capitol is a hotel that has a series of attributes that will make your Family Holidays memorable:
- Restaurant and Bar
- Free wifi
- 5 km away from the Lisbon airport
- Proximity to Lisbon Metro Stations
Book your stay at Hotel SANA Capitol and guarantee the best price!